Astanza’s patio and pool resort-inspired furnishing bundles or packages elevate your expertise, raise your reputation and minimize uncertainty and risk.
Our packages are the complete outdoor solution, with needed quantities, and your chosen types, materials, styles and colors. Inclusive of the operational and functional items you’ll need, you will understand the logic that went into eight years of Astanza’s outdoor club design methods.
You will retain the freedom (with our questions and guidance) to choose quantity (60, 90, 120, 180 or more) of dining seating or pool lounging, plus the materials, colors and optional amenities. We rely on adaptable formulas for club patio seating and pool lounging. And then tweak for your outdoor environment.
“Astanza’s patio and pool packages are solely a convenient solution, never a compromising decision”
Furnishing Description
Patio Package
Pool Package
Standard height dining tables in five different shapes/sizes plus chairs
Bar height tables (in three different shapes/sizes) plus bar height chairs
Various umbrellas shapes and sizes, swing arm, clustered, moveable and giant center pole